
American Birthday Party in France

Saturday, March 08, 2014

I've been quite the busy little expat this week. Finally, after 4 days I'm plopped in front of the screen ready to deliver. So today I had my 23rd birthday party. You could call it more like 23 going on 12 because I had an ice cream party. No worries I spiked the punch..a lot.

I must have some psychic ability because on top of planning an all-girl party, it turns out that it is also International Women's Day! Holler atcha girl. It was exactly that too: 7 girls, 7 nationalities.
When I'm stressed, happy, sad, or what have you, I want Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream. I have a really unhealthy obsession in which sometimes I just scroll through their Instagram and drool. So on this gorgeous 70 degree day, what better excuse is there for an ice cream shin-dig?
My friends are trying to convince me that this is my calling in life: party planning. I'm starting to think they're not far off. I don't enjoy the hours of cleaning, but I am in complete euphoria when I can organize and make things look pretty.
I was somewhat nervous that the girls wouldn't be all that excited by ice cream, because it's really not that big in Europe like it is in America. However, my friend Anne-Fleur quoted "C'est vraiment très bon, je suis trop contente."AKA-this is really good and I am so happy.
What gets me more excited than anything is watching other people be happy. Mission 100% accomplished because they all loved it.
The girls even bought me a pink polaroid camera for my birthday and also to say thank you for always having them over. It really meant a lot to me. I guess I am a good egg!
This party was suppose to be at 11pm, but since Kerri couldn't attend and the weather was too perfect, we changed it to 2pm and did half inside, and half outside. Everyone packed up the blankets, grabbed the punch bowl and we headed out front of the apartment to the lake.
Anyone who came to lay near us quickly regretted it. Drinking games went on for a solid hour and a half. I had to find things that only required actions or numbers, while still letting everyone get a solid buzz-on under the sun. It was actually very difficult to find anything outside of beer pong and flip cup. However, "Buzz" and "Thumper" worked just fine.
I cracked and invited our guy friend Mehdi, who eventually became our personal outdoor photographer. There was a girl modeling across the street so we felt the need to mimic. I did say I was 23 going on 12..Here's Mehdi's impersonation.
All in all it turned out to be a great party. After all of that sun the girls and I were wiped and came back inside for round 2. This time it wasn't ice cream, it was Domino's. You don't tip delivery boys here so we offered him Snickers.

Merci Kerri for some beautiful photos!

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